소속팀: Wincheddar [Winch]
설립자: [Winch]Sioenoz from United States of America
창단일: July 7, 2010, 3:13 am

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설립자: [WINE]realejcorey from New Zealand
창단일: October 31, 2010, 1:26 am

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소속팀: Winer [Winer]
설립자: [Winer]Brolly from United States of America
창단일: July 20, 2007, 3:05 pm

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소속팀: Wing Chun Association [WingChun]
설립자: [WingChun]NgMui from China
창단일: October 25, 2013, 7:02 pm

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소속팀: D_MAJIKS [winin]
설립자: [winin]dmajik0125 from United States of America
창단일: January 16, 2012, 8:52 am

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소속팀: The Winners [Winner]
설립자: [Winner]IamWar from Brazil
창단일: February 14, 2010, 2:02 pm

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